Home NFTs How to Get Verified on OpenSea | OpenSea Blue Checkmark

How to Get Verified on OpenSea | OpenSea Blue Checkmark

January 15, 2025 | Victor Egbujor

This post will guide you through getting Verified on OpenSea Market Place without stress.

NFTs are the talk of the town and I know those of us who’ve been following us on our NFT series have been able to mint their first NFTs on OpenSea and also bought or sold an NFT.

CLONE X - OpenSea

However, if this is your first time here; you can know more about NFTs by clicking on any of the above links.

Back to the topic of today, “Getting a Blue Checkmark on your OpenSea Profile and Collections” to show the authenticity of your account.

Well, having this blue tick on your OpenSea account might boost your sales and the trust of the buyer, it might even go further to increasing your sales.

Update 5/11/2022

On this day, OpenSea announced that it will be updating its verification process! These 4 changes were made to improve the system.

  1. An invite-based account verification system, with broader eligibility criteria

  2. An updated collection badge

  3. A new streamlined, in-product notification and application experience

  4. A dedicated customer support team for verification and badging, with a response within 7 days

Read more on the Updated OpenSea Verification Process.

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Before we go on the long ride, let’s take a look at a few requirements that OpenSea takes into consideration before verifying a profile on their marketplace.

Please note, OpenSea will only review non-remixed and fully-revealed collections on OpenSea with over 100 ETH in volume. Please submit contact details and proof of authorship over project items.

Requirements for verification on OpenSea:

  1. Your account needs to be fully updated with a valid name, email address, profile picture, and a display banner.
  2. You must have purchased at least one(1) NFT in the last 3months
  3. Your OpenSea Wallet Address

Things to Note Before Applying for Verification:

  • Accounts with a high risk of impersonation are easily verified. E.g artists, large companies, well-known brands e.t.c [Doesn’t mean you won’t be verified too]
  • Notable persons in art, music, technology, entertainment, sports, politics e.t.c will easily be verified.
  • Being verified on a social media platform will also increase your chance of being verified as an individual.
  • Accounts with copyrighted or stolen items without due license can’t be verified.
  • Profiles that engage in manipulation of buying, selling, and bidding can’t be verified
  • You need to be 18+ to be able to apply for profile verification on OpenSea
  • Profiles that violate OpenSea terms of service can’t be verified.
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How to Apply for Verification on OpenSea Market Place

Once you’ve checked all of the above criteria, then you can go ahead and follow the below steps to get a verified profile on the OpenSea Market Place.

  • Copy this link –, Open your browser and paste it into it to be redirected to the OpenSea Verification application form.
  • Read the intros and select “ Account Verification” from the options.
  • Provide the link to your OpenSea account [Navigate to your profile on OpenSea and copy the link on the address bar] and your full name
  • Next, Input a valid mail with a link to any of your social media pages.
  • Now, Go to any of your social media platforms and make a post in this format.

Hello @opensea!

[Your wallet address]

  • Copy the link to the post and paste it into the box provided.
  • Mark the tick to confirm your statements are true and click on SUBMIT.
  • Lastly, if you ticked on verify “Collections” too then you should provide answers to the required boxes including documents that show you’re the owner of the project etc.

That’s it

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You’re required to wait for at least 5 days after you’ve requested a verification review on your OpenSea profile.

If the verification is successful then you should get a blue check next to your OpenSea profile or collection.

Closing Remarks.

Although it is hard to get verified if you’re not a public figure it’s also advisable to give it a shot.

The verification is tough because blue checkmarks are reserved for collections created by high-profile public figures or organizations.

Alternatively, your collection needs to have a trading volume of 100 ETH or more to be considered for verification.

Aside from this, you also need to have all collection items revealed.

Even so, it does not guarantee that you’ll get verified as they may ask you to provide more information to confirm the authenticity of the collection or individual.

That’s it on getting verified on OpenSea Market Place.

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Victor is Just a passionate tech enthusiast who invests his time in Blogging and web designing. Writer. Web 3.

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