Home ā€ŗ Facebook ā€ŗ How to Stop Facebook From Tracking your Offline Activities

How to Stop Facebook From Tracking your Offline Activities

January 15, 2025 | Victor Egbujor

Privacy has been a thing of concern during the last months and most organizations aren’t helping in keeping your data secure as they monitor and take records of your activity on their platform.

Facebook isn’t exempted as they even monitor our Off-Facebook activity, which means thatĀ even when you’re not logged into the app they still monitor how we interact with apps on our phone.

Our Off-Facebook activity includes information that businesses and organizations share with Facebook informing them about your interaction with them, i.e. banks, websites, and apps.

This feature is active by default and I’m certain most of us reading this aren’t aware of this, Now, think of this; howbeit you made a call about purchasing a shoe and when you get into Facebook the next ad you see is a shoe advert.


At that moment you’ll know that there is a leak somewhere and this comes as a result of our data being sold amongst these big organisations for their profit.

Facebook said they use the off-facebook activity log to show relevant ads and introduce you to new products and services and to also create a more personalized experience which might be true according to the above illustration.

Nevertheless, this article will give a detailed guide on

  • How to see all apps that share your data with Facebook,
  • How to clear off-facebook activity history and
  • Disconnect your account storing future off-facebook activity
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Without wasting much time, let’s briefly turn off Off-Facebook activity on our accounts and stay a bit secure.

How to Deactivate Off-Facebook Activity on Your Facebook Account

We’ll use Facebook lite to illustrate how this is done below although the interface might differ on PC versions; it is still the same option.

  1. Login to your Facebook account,
  2. Click on “Settings” from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side
  3. Scroll down to the “Your Facebook Information” section
  4. Click on “Off-Facebook Activity
  5. Now, you’ll see all the apps that share your info with Facebook. e.g PayPal, Kuda, CashApp e.t.c.
  6. Next, Click on “Clear History” and then “Clear History” Again on the next page to clear already stored data.
  7. Now to Disconnect Off-Facebook Activity, Click on “More Options” from the list.
  8. Select “Manage Future Activity” and thenĀ “Manage Future Activity” again in the next tab
  9. Now, you’ll see the “Future Off-Facebook Activity” option with a blue toggle in front of it.
  10. Turn the Toggle “OFF” by confirming your password and agreeing to any disclaimer that may be stated.
  11. Finally, go back and Clear history once more and that’s all.
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Check the below images and videos for further clarification on how to stop Facebook From tracking your activities offline.

That’s all on how to stop Facebook from tracking your offline activities.

Kindly drop a comment below and do well to share the post with friends on all your social media platforms.


Victor is Just a passionate tech enthusiast who invests his time in Blogging and web designing. Writer. Web 3.

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