Home windows 3 Ways to Check How Many Cores are Installed in your CPU

3 Ways to Check How Many Cores are Installed in your CPU

January 13, 2025 | Victor Egbujor

The number of cores in your computer processor (CPU) helps determine its performance, before now each computer contained one core but modern-day computers have up to 2(two) or even up to 32 cores installed for better speed and efficiency.

If you’re familiar with your laptop then you should have heard of core i3, core i5, core i7, and the like being advertised as the processor, the higher the core the higher the function.

Since all tasks are being processed in the CPU, the core determines how fast and efficiently the processor performs all tasks assigned to it since a core can handle a particular task at a time.

Hence, the greater the core the faster the computer and vice versa. You can also take the type of CPU, clock speed, multi-threading e.t.c into consideration when judging the component of the cores installed on your CPU.


However, also note that you might have 5 cores installed in your laptop and only 2 will be in use, we’ll discuss how to extend the number of cores some other time. Meanwhile, you can learn how to increase your RAM here.

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It’s important to know the number of cores installed on your PC to determine the best fit for a particular task or project, especially when working with applications that require multiple cores.

Having known these, let me guide you through 3 proven ways to check how many Cores you have installed in your computer’s CPU.

How to Check the Number of Cores installed on your Processor using CMD

Simply follow the below guide to see the number of cores in your laptop processor using the command prompt.

  • Search for CMD or command prompt on your computer’s Start page
  • Type the following commands into the command prompt interface and hit “Enter” to unveil the number of cores in your CPU.
wmic cpu get NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors

You can either jot or take down the displayed amount of cores and logical processors installed in the system.

That’s it.

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If your processor supports Hyper-Threading, then the number of “Logical processors,” will also be displayed which is most times twice the number of physical cores.

How to Check the Number of Cores installed on your Computer using Task Manager.

Simply follow the below guide to check the number of cores installed on your computer using Task Manager.

  • Open the Task Manager from your computer by holding the Control+Shift+Escape all together.
  • Click on more details to expand(varies from PC)
  • Navigate to the performance section

You’ll see the number of cores and logical processors installed on your computer.

That’s it.

How to Get the Number of Cores Installed in Your Computer Using Windows PowerShell

Let’s follow the below guide to see the number of cores installed on your computer using the Windows PowerShell console.

  • Search for Windows Powershell on your start page and open it.
  • Type the below command into it and hit enter to reveal the number of cores or logical processors on your laptop device.
Get-WmiObject –class Win32_processor | ft NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors

That’s it.

You should be able to see the number of physical core and logical cores installed in the system ( if you can hyperthread)

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How to Check the Number of Cores Installed on Your Mac Laptop

Simply follow the below guide to see the number of cores installed in your Mac Laptop.

  • Click on the Apple icon at the top left corner of your PC
  • Select “About this MAC” from the option
  • Next, click on “System Report” to see the hardware preview for your laptop which usually includes the total number of cores.

That’s it.

I hope with this little guide, you can successfully check the number of cores installed in the CPU of any laptop without stress.

Notwithstanding, the total number of cores doesn’t define the speed or performance of your laptop but it should also be considered when purchasing a new laptop.

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Victor is Just a passionate tech enthusiast who invests his time in Blogging and web designing. Writer. Web 3.

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